Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a Clash Files Family member to play in your Clash Scrims?

Anyone in our Discord Server can participate in our events and chat in our channels. You don’t need a special role or position to join the fun. You just need to sign up! Clash Scrims are a blast and a great way to get to know everyone. Click here to join our Discord Community and view our calendar of events.

But what if I want to join a Clash Files clan? How do I do that?

All requests to join must be made in our Discord server, which has the most up-to-date information about our currently recruiting clans. There you can ask for help finding the best fit or use bot codes to narrow your search to Town Halls accepted, gameplay style, or clan name. Once you find a clan you like, its recruiters will chat privately with you to give you the current password to use when you request in-game.

How do I get promoted to Elder or Co-Leader?

Every Clash Files clan chooses their own method of promoting their members. In general though – Elders are consistently active both in-game & in Discord, have a positive attitude, behave supportively & maturely, attack on time, help clanmates plan attacks, and are just all around fantastic members for an extended period of time. Co-Leaders have been outstanding Elders for a long time and have earned the clan leadership’s trust.

How does a Family with 10+ clans stay so organized?

We use Discord to communicate outside of the game. Each family clan has its own server and everyone congregates to socialize in the Clash Files Server. Our amazing group of Leaders and Co-Leaders chat frequently to keep up to date on how everyone is doing and make all community decisions together. We also have volunteer teams that help us with things like hosting our scrims, selecting Members of the Week, etc.

Is The Clash Files a Clan Alliance?

No, we are very proud to be a close knit Clan FAMILY. Six years ago, four Clash friends came together to create The Clash Files Podcast.​​ As the podcast became more popular, our membership grew so we created more clans to expand. Along the way we also began holding Clash of Clans and Clash Royale events, where we made some great friends - many of whom joined our clans with alt accounts! After teaming up in several Clash Scrims and socializing together in our chats for a long time, some of our Clash friends began to feel like family, so we invited them to join us. ​

Can my clan join The Clash Files Family?

Maybe. We’ve had our strong bonds for over six years because we are very selective in who we ask to join us. Before considering adding any clan, we look at well-established Community Members who - along with their clan’s membership - have both participated in multiple Clash Files events and actively chatted in our Discord Server over an extended period of time (minimum of six months). Essentially the leadership team is looking for groups of people that have spent a long time acting like family before we reach out via Discord to discuss the process of officially becoming family.

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